I need to take a minute to regroup. I have done rather well keeping positive people and what not around me very positive. We are currently having some things happen in our family that are not positive so I want to....shake it off. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. We may never know what that reason is, but none the less it happens. It's time for me personally to quit stressing over it and make things positive. I always take it upon myself to try and take every ones hurt away. I hate seeing those I love sad (who does really). I try and make it my mission to perk them up. But some situations the person just needs time. I know that this is not something I can fix, I won't try. But I do know that I am always here at a drop of the hat. I'm a great listener. And if you wanna call and us each have a glass of wine while you cry your little eyes out while no one is watching then I'm game. I do what ever when ever that is needed. I guess I personally don't need to be in a positive state of mine to do this for loved ones. I've always been one to put others before myself. Carma....it will only help you out in the end, right?To anyone that is just having a crappy day, week, month or even year...shake it off. Like really stand up and shake like crazy. If nothing else, you made yourself laugh and that has to count for something. I hope everyone has an awesome Monday, week and November!
Interesting as I was just thinking that yesterday, the whole "everything happens for a reason" thing. I am trying to get back to the positive thinking and as you say shake the negative off. Thanks for sharing that today, and hoping that whatever is not positive in your family right now will eventually turn into something positive. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! We all need to hear this sometimes :) I hope everything is going ok with your cute little family!
ReplyDeleteOh, that's what you were doing in your office yesterday... I thought you had desk bugs or something! ;o)
ReplyDeleteluv u