* Pictures with Santa - now I've done this sporadically over the years, but if Phoebe and I didn't happen to be at the mall, and there was no line, and she was wearing an appropriate outfit, then it just wasn't going to happen. I have little (no) patience for lines, screaming toddlers, ect. This year, though, I will MAKE AN EFFORT to do this.
* Christmas Crafts! - SB Mama and I will hopefully do this one together... our kids get along, and while they work on their Gingerbread House or ornaments or whatnot, we can do some crafting of our own? That should be fun!
* Cookies - making and decorating cookies would be a nice way for mom/daughter to spend time together and they make excellent, inexpensive gifts for teachers, coworkers, etc!!!
* I'd also like to go look at Christmas lights one night, as well as decorate the tree together, visit the tree farm, sing carols, and maybe even go to a Christmas Eve service. Also, I need to remember to relax and enjoy everything, not just be there for it but be a part of it.
Here's hoping for one of the most fantastic holidays ever, just making sure we spend some time together having fun, relaxing, and making memories with friends and family that will last a lifetime.
Please feel free to pop in and show my blog some love.
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