OMG! Billy and Robert, really? I can kind of see Billy...I don't feel he is really "connecting" with America. Something I did realize about him last night: he is SUCH a good dancer and has always been told that he doesn't know how to take criticism well. I thought he looked very confused with the judges were talking to him after his performance on Wednesday night. I totally don't get Robert. I think he is a very likeable guy and a terrific dancer. But I do believe when Melinda realized she was in the bottom 3 with those two she KNEW she was going home. I feel she exited the show with grace. No tears. She must of read my blog because she actually hugged people last night...little to late sweetie.
I am looking forward to next Wednesdays show. 2 performances! One with an all star and one with a competitor....I tell you, they are getting these great ideas from my blog, you don't even know!
Fairwell Melinda! You are a good dancer and believe you will get many jobs no problem. I think all dancers that have ever been on SYTYCD have gone on to farther their dance careers.
well you just messed it up for me because I haven't been able to see this one yet because I was gone on vacation Jesse.