A Wonderful Day Off
beautiful photo taken by my daughter
Today I had the day off....and loved it. I felt like such a "SAHM" it was crazy. My daughter missed the bus so I took her to school. Then I got my two boys ready for school and daycare. I also got all my craft stuff in the trunk of my car to do a craft/baking day with a friend of mine. I took Devon to school. Then Blake and I stopped off at the donut shot because he turned 9 months today so I thought he should celebrate in some way so he brought donuts for his teachers and all his friends. After dropping him off, I was on my way for a fun filled day. I will post later about our baking and crafting. We had ALOT of fun. Also, we have a birthday/costume party for my 5 year old cousin tomorrow so it should be for a good post. Robert and I have never dressed up for Halloween so I'm excited. We are going to be an 80's rock star couple. I are the bomb!!! Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Days off are wonderful aren't they?