Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I still have every intention of doing a 2010 recap, but I got a little busy. Last night I went to dinner with a few girl friends, it was long over due. After dinner, we went back to one of their house and played dance party on the wii. I LOVED IT! Needless to say, I will be purchasing that game!
Tonight we are having a party at our house with a few friends and family. I have tons to do but wanted to take a minute to wish my blog family a very happy new year! I was hoping daycare would be open today so I could clean the house with out watching over a 11 month old. No such luck. My hubby is work which sucks for me and him. He will get off at 5, party starts at 7. Awesome.
I plan on being a better blogger next year. I need to take more case you haven't noticed, I don't blog without a picture. I'm OCD like that.
I have a few things in mind for next year. If any of you have some ideas for me as well, feel free to share. Any help is wonderful!
I hope everyone spends New Years Eve the way you want. (even if it isn't a big party just a nice dinner with a lady friend...talking about you Simple Dude).
Love you guys!

Five Question Friday

Here it, time for Five Question Friday again. Feel free to link up over at My Little Life.
1. How long does your Christmas tree stay up?
I never take it down until after New Years. Guess what my plans are tomorrow?
2. Do you have any plans for New Years Eve?
Yes! We are having a party at our house and inviting friends and family.
3. Do you have any New Years resolutions?
Yes, I will probably do a separate post about them. One of them is to get Organized!
4. How did you spend New Years Eve when you were younger?
My mom was a single parent. She was usually out with friends so I was allowed to have a sleep over!
5. What was the best way you've ever spent New Year's Eve?
Several years ago, my family and our neighbor's family drove up to our deer lease. It was so nice and relaxing. We had a fire, it was cold as hell, we could see all the stars and we were just together...acting silly.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Working in the home building industry I see tons of beautiful homes, but I never get to see the end result. These kitchen are beautiful!
Our kitchen is perfect for our house and our family. I do really wish we had an island though. I love the look of it.
What does your dream kitchen have?

I'm sorry

I'm not sure what my deal is lately. I've wanted to blog, but when I sit down to do it my mind is blank. I use to have no problem at all spitting out a post. I've been off my game, I don't know why.

I told the lady that handed me breakfast at the drive thru to have a good day. Her response was "uh huh". That is not the proper response. It bugged me, I wished I had said nothing.

Why do we ask questions we really already know the answer to just to be hurt by actually "hearing" the answer?

Why are dance video games so much fun? I played one on the Xbox Kinect the other day. LOVED IT! I have a Wii. Some people say that one is lame, others love it. I think that would be a great way for me to work out.

What a crappy post! I'm sorry to all my followers. I know I'm slacking but I promise to get better.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fat Tuesday

I don't think Christmas pounds should count! I only gained .8 since last week, not to bad. But, since early September when I started the Fat Tuesday posts...I've only lost 1 pound! One freakin pound! So tonight....I'm going to a friends house to play some dance game on her Kinect and totally sweat my ass off! If I do that at least 3 days a week and the other 4 get on the treadmill in connection with eating better........I'll be well on my way!
Don't forget to chime in your opinion on the "topic of discussion" post.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Things to come

I know I have been very quiet lately. I've been busy with Christmas and busy at work. But that isn't really my excuse...I haven't had the drive to blog the last week or so... But I have a few ideas I've been working on. I do want to do a little Christmas recap, but I'll need to do that at home. Also, I had someone emailed me a "topic of discussion"...I'll get that up later tonight. Some people would just like advice and opinions of others, always useful. Also I know I now have a few step-moms that follow me. I myself am a step-mom to a beautiful 17 year old girl. She has a blog herself, but I asked her to do a guest post here either about her feelings towards her step-mom or about being a step-daughter, something along those lines. She's a good writer. Plus, I wanted all the step-mommies to know, it gets so much better!

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fat Tuesday

Yippie! I didn't even try and I lost 3 pounds! Awesomeness!!! (as I'm typing this I'm eating a whole bag of popcorn, movie theater butter, and a coke) I am hoping after Christmas things slow down for me a little and I can work the treadmill back into my life, we will see?
How did you do this week?

Monday, December 20, 2010

First Christmas Photo Shoot

An awesome friend of mine, Stephanie, was sweet enough to do Blake's first Christmas photo shoot yesterday! I loved the way they turned out!
Look at those teeth!
He was over pictures and started to cry. See his reflection in the ornament? (His finger is only in his mouth because I gave him a goldfish cracker to eat, lol)
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

Friday, December 17, 2010

5 Question Friday

Here we are again...Friday! Feel free to link up with My Little Life.
1. Do you regift...and if so, do you have a regifting horror story?
I do regift from time to time....I haven't had a horror story...yet!
2. Do you know what you are getting for Christmas this year?
I know what I'm getting from my husband. The only way I get things for Christmas if I go shopping with him. So I did last night!
3. Who brings the most gifts in your family, you or Santa?
Santa brings the nice expensive gifts...usually 2 per kid. The rest are from my hubby and me or I put one of the kids names on them.
4. What store do you love to buy your jeans from?
Normally I buy my jeans from Old Navy. During Black Friday Target had some jeans on sale for $10! I actually really liked the way they fit.
5. Christmas meal: Big, all out meal or snacks and App.?
We do Christmas for real at my moms. We always celebrate on the Saturday before Christmas so no one has an excuse not to be there. We come over around 2 to hang out and have snacks and app. We eat a big meal around 5 and then do gifts and hang out and party. We all stay the night. Awesome!
Everyone have a great weekend. Don't for get to like me on facebook (to the left) or follow me on twitter.

And I cried!

See this pretty young lady? This is Alexys. Those of you that are new to this blog (thank you by the way) she is my 17 year old step-daughter that I would proudly claim as my own any day of the week. She has been in my life since she was 6. She moved in with us last August, but we have wanted her to live with us for years...things just didn't work out until now.
Anyways, I've been sitting on her heart felt words she said a week ago. I only shared them with a few people. I thought I would share them with you now.
Last Tuesday we went to get our hair done after I got off work. We were talking about random things, like we usually do. We talked about when she gets older and then she said the sweetest thing. "When I get older and think about having a family, I want one just like ours. We are perfect." My eyes instantly became watery. She went on talking about other stuff and looked over at me and said "omg, you are going to cry aren't you"...I tried my best to muffle out a "NO" but it was to late. A few tears did fall and we drove the rest of the way in silence.
I think as a mother in general you always wonder how you are doing, how you kids view you, are you doing a "good" job. As a step-mom, I think those concerns double. With my boys the bond was instant from birth. With Alexys we had to build it.
Without even realizing it, Alexys gave me the best compliment ever. I've raised a good family. I have great kids and it shows. I am so blessed to have her in my life. She was my first taste of motherhood and she did not disappoint.
I love you Alexys!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Some of my favorite things

Since everyone is doing a "favorite things" post...I thought I would jump on the band wagon. After all, I like things too!
My Chi Turbo! With out this wonderful hair would forever be curly. Honestly, I look like Sissy in Urban Cowboy. I like to straighten it out from time to time. Change things up for the hubby (wink, wink). A delicious glass of Moscato wine. I don't even need the fancy kind. I'll take the cheap Barefoot brand any o day of the week.
Baby toes! I love them. Lucky for me, we have a baby in the house right now. But really, when a friend has a baby...I gotta see the feet.
Taste of Home magazine. Possibly the best magazine that I subscribe to. Such yummy and easy recipes.
Cordial Cherries! They can only be found at Christmas time. I limit myself to just one cherry a day. But last year, I was prego and might have had many more.
Current favorite thing to make. My Grandma's homemade mac n' cheese! I made some last night, and brought some leftovers for lunch.
I had an awesome picture of Christmas socks...but my dumb as deleted it! None the less, I love holiday socks..I wear them all the time.
What are your favorite things? I wanna know!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just a few....

I thought I would share just a few blogs that I love to read! Everyone likes a little promotion right?
First up is Amber LaShell Rant. I've been following her for about a month now, and she's a pretty cool chick.
I love Aura j o o n photography. She is now pregnant so I get to be apart of her journey. How awesome!
Canadian Blogger Girl is a pretty funny girl! She has a 2010 goal...she wants 100 followers. She's at 89, help her out!
If you like frat boyish humor...check out From the head of The Danaconda. He is always good for a few laughs.
If you like mommy blogs (I sure do) Me and Mr. C is one of the cutest ones around!
I love everything about much love, illy. You have to check her out!
Annah over at Red Means Go has awesome drawings to go with every post...that alone is worth reading!
Simple Dude in a Complex World is full of randomness. Sometimes you need a little of that.
If you like a little southern charm, check out Mel at Southern Comfort in a Northern life.
Thrifty Decor Chick is AWESOME! I've stolen a few of her ideas.
Sara over at Welcome to Sara's Organized Chaos never disappoints. She also has a cute etsy shop that you really need to check out.
That covers it for today! I hope everyone enjoys finding new blogs. To the lovely blogs that I showcased...I hope you appreciate it...linking all these up is a pain.
Thanks to all of you for awesome fills my day and entertains me to no end.

Fat Tuesday

Once again I'm a day late. Nothing fantastic to report so I didn't stress about doing this post on the right day. I did lose a pound! I kind of haven't worried much about the weight loss because of the holidays. After next weekend I went to kick it in high gear. I would like my body to look like it did before the baby by his first birthday....which is the end of January. I have my work cut out for me. I'm not so worried about what the number is....just how the shit looks in my clothes (I'll worry what I look like naked later).
I need my treadmill to become my new best friend. I put some new songs on my ipod so I should have no problem doing it for at least 45 min. a day....right?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why I do it

Remember last Friday? I did a guest post for Jaci over at Ravings of a Mad Housewife, you can read it here. I was SO excited. My first guest post. Jaci posted it early Friday morning. By Saturday, I regretted doing it. I felt attacked, like I needed to defend my husband. I know in my post i vented about my hubby, but I thought it was done in a "funny" way. Since then, I haven't felt like blogging.
Until today! Jaci sent me a sweet email! She pointed out that normal sane people see the humor in things but once you get one negative comment...others follow. Also, Jaci has decided to take a brake from her blog. I am sad about this but totally understand why, read here. She also refers to how we give people just a glimpse of our life so they can totally judge everything that we are.
I was scared to blog after my guest post. I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I don't want people to think I have a bad husband. I think it is safe to say that we have all done at least ONE post "in the moment".
I then remembered why I started blogging. I never thought that anyone would actually follow me, especially people that didn't know me. I started my blog to get "stuff" out of my head. Then I started following craft blogs and decorating ones. So I started adding photos of crafts or decorating rooms. My blog is ever changing. It's whatever I want it to be that day or even that post. IT'S MY BLOG! I'll do what I want and I shouldn't be worried about what others think, right? If you don't like it, you can just delete me and I'll carry on.
I wish everyone a wonderful Tuesday! Enjoy your day, your children, your husband...and yes, even your blog.
btw...Jaci, your email made my day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Weekend

I had a wonderful weekend. Friday, I got off at noon! At 5 I went on a photo walk (see pictures here).
Saturday morning I had to work but I was off by 1. At 4 was my company Christmas party. I brought all 3 kiddos, the hubby was at the deer lease.
We sang a little karaoke. And then we danced! It was of our best parties by far.
I ended my weekend with this little guy. He is really starting to move around the house now! How did you spend your weekend?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Photo Walk

My weekend started of amazing! A local photography teacher was doing a free photo walk on Christmas lights! How awesome, right? It gets better....I was the only one that ended up showing up! Everyone was texting her they were busy and what not. So I got some tips for free and she showed me how to use my camera a little more...I was stoked to say the least. Here are a few from our walk.
I hope every ones weekend was wonderful.

Friday, December 10, 2010

5 Question Friday

Another week gone! So happy it is Friday. Feel free to link up at My Little Life.
1. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Growing up, my mom always let us pick ONE present to open on Christmas that is what I let my kids do as well.

2. What is your favorite Christmas cookie (or candy)?

Cordial Cherries! I love a box of chocolate covered cherries, in the fridge. I like to walk by and occasionally grab one and pop it in my mouth. I will admit, last Christmas I was prego, and I ate way more than my share.

3. What's the worst Christmas gift you've ever received?

I know I've gotten some crappy ones, but I can't think of one off hand right now.

4. Christmas song that you love?

I love, with all my hear, "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas".

5. How many trees do you put up?

Normally, just one. But this year each kid has one in their room.

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Guest Posting!!!!

I did a guest post today! My girl Jaci, over at Ravings of a Mad housewife asked for guest posters on Friday....and I jumped at the opportunity! Check out her blog, I think it is pretty awesome!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

cold hands, warm hearts

Remember me telling you that I participated in the cold hands, warm hearts blog swap? It was awesome! I was paired up with Lillian over at Unstitched. I got my package in the mail the other day and could NOT wait to open it.
I was not disappointed!
I received a sweet note from Lillian.
Look at my cute mittens!
I'm awesome!
They are very cozy.
Tights! Sweet! I've been wanting to try a pair of colored tights but didn't have the nerve to buy some, now I don't have to.
She also included a yummy recipe for snicker doodle cookies! I can't wait to bake these.
I also got a lovely lavender scented candle, how calming. And, I received an ocean mist palm wax candle. It smells heavenly.
And last, but now least I got a little bottle to put perfume in and carry in my purse.
I love everything I received. Thanks again Lillian. Everyone should check out her blog, I think you would love it.
I hope they do this swap again next year. Maybe they should think about doing one for Valentine's day....just a suggestion.