Missing her
Those are my kids pictures on my Grandma's headstone. I got the text with this picture while I was taking a nap at work and my eyes filled with tears. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason but sometimes I feel I was robbed of my grandma to soon. I was the oldest grandchild yet she never got the chance to witness me getting married or meet my beautiful children. I know she is in Heaven and watches over us with love. I feel her presence just when I need her most. I was with her when she passed, holding her hand. I think one of the hardest things is her grave site is in Michigan and I'm hear in Texas. It would be nice to visit her... I know it is silly, she's not really there, but it would make all the difference in the world. I know she is proud of me with all I've done in my life...she was just that kind of lady. I still celebrate her birth...and her death.
I love you very much Grandma. The kind of person you were...makes me the person I am today! Keep your eye on me and watch over my babies!
We were all robbed of Grandma way to early. You are right, she is up there watching over each and everyone of us. She is very proud of the person you have become. She keeps you and your babies close to her heart.