In the past 2 weeks I got a few more followers...people that I don't actually know! To me....that is super exciting! These also happen to be people that I follow their blogs as well. I thought I would share my new found followers with everyone to kind of "pay it forward" ...everyone should read their blogs as well!
First up...my all time favorite is Jamie over at Daydream Believer. She was the first blog I ever followed. I found her when she became a blog of note and was instantly hooked. I love her recaps of reality tv! I must say, the post I love the most (which she might think is weird) is when she blogged about starting her period on her honeymoon here. Let's face it...it has happened to us all!
Next up is With Eyes Wide Open. This jem is special to me. This is a woman who writes about the highs and lows of being a step-mom. For those of you that are not a step-parent....let me tell you! It is the hardest job I've ever had and usually with very little reward (I lucked out...I got a big reward, but that's another post). It's nice to know that there are other "step-monsters" out there that feel the way I do. Kuddos to you!
Third there is AM's World. I just started following her and so far....I like what I read!.
I have two more, I don't follow their blog (I haven't had a chance to check it out yet) but still believe they deserve a shout out because they read mine. They are Tsionah N over at Bitter/Sweet and someone knows simply as "T." and they do not have a link to their blog.
So I'm super stoked to have people that don't know me care about what I have to say....maybe you will like what they have to say!
Aw thanks for the shout out!