Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Majic Chicken
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Majic Begins!!!
Birthday Wishes!!

Jamie has always been a soft spot in my heart....more than I think she knows. For starters...she's my only sibling! I'm territorial....she's all mine! We fought when we were little like many sisters biggie, part of growing up.

Jamie Lou, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Your last one as an unmarried woman. I hope your knight in shining armour takes your out for a wonderful evening. I love you, and remember....I'll always have your back!

Monday, June 28, 2010
Target Experience today!

My Boys

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Majic Pot on backorder?!?!

Friday, June 25, 2010
The Results Show......

The point of this post is that I am very unhappy with the result show yesterday. April blogged a recap of Wednesday nights performance and asked me what I thought....So I picked who I thought would be in the bottom 3:
- Ashley
- Melinda
- Adechike
So, I sat to watch the results and they told us the bottom three right away like always....I was way off! I got Melinda right...this is her second time in the bottom 3. And then they picked Christina...random. She did a fabulous performance with Pasha the night before and has yet to get bad reviews. And then Robert....that came from left field. He is a terrific dancer and was praised at doing a good job with Anya. But when it comes down to it....this is really america's popularity contest and then the judges pick out of the 3 least popular for their technique and overall performance. I thought for sure it would be Melinda. Not sure why. I do think she is a good dancer but there is something that just doesn't do it for me. Plus...second time in the bottom, America is trying to say something.
Nigel is ready to tell us the results. He informs us the decision is NOT unanimous! He tells Robert right away that he is safe. Lookie there....another girl gets the boot! It's the year of the boys I tell you. So it is between Melinda and Christina. One thing I noticed from last week as well....Melinda doesn't hold hands or do anything like the normal girls do when waiting for news...I find this odd, personal opinion. Nigel calls Melinda forward and makes it clear (he does this often when the judges don't side with him) that he wanted to send her home but Mia and Adam saved her. What! And Melinda just walks off the stage. Doesn't give Cat a hug...Christina a hug... I felt like it was a slap in the face for her to do that to Christina because she was now going home. Clearly....Melinda is not my fav! Christina handled her departure in a very perfessional and mature way. She thanked everyone for everything that she learned and the people she met....a true lady!
So, my question now is: Are the judges going to save Melinda every week when America puts her in the bottom 3? Not really fair for the other dancers. This is turning out to be an interesting season. Can't wait till Wednesday!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Just a silly hat
5 Months!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Love me some family
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sudden Realization